Script Tease: Bare Bones Staging of New Plays
Script Tease was a theatrical playground, comprised of equal parts intellect, artistry, and fun. The series provides an outlet for New York City playwrights to have short pieces performed by professional actors in a relaxed setting where the audience can enjoy drinks and food while watching an evening of thematically related short plays.
Playwrights get to workshop short plays or pieces of full length works-in-progress, thereby getting a chance to see their work performed while still in development. Actors get to perform exciting new works, enjoy the thrill of an audience and keep their acting muscles warm between larger projects. The spectators can enjoy theatre in a more social setting; enjoying a beer or a glass of wine while laughing at a comedic piece, feeling free to comment to their friend as a sentimental piece ends, and having theatre be immediate and relaxed rather than kept at a distance.
Though there have been several venues for Script Tease, the sites always offer proximity between performer and audience. The actors and playwrights are among the audience during the event and around for mingling afterwards, but more than that – the plays are performed in the space, amid the audience rather than distanced by a stage. It offers a more intimate relationship between audience and performer.
The initial run of the series included:
Script Tease
Script Tease Reveals Itself
Script Tease Had Genre Trouble
Script Tease Adapts
Script Tease Get’s Spooky
Script Tease Goes Home for the Holidays